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Re: [GZG] Monster ships

From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 11:46:08 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Monster ships

Gzg-l mailing list's our
forum thread with our consolidated set of rules and associated design

I wouldn't call them 2.5 because some of our decisions about rules were
not informed by the work being done by the playtest groups.

People are welcome to use these rules and could join our club forum to
observe and particiapte in our discussions.

We mostly play campaigns because line up fleets accross other sides of
the table and smash into each other is rather boring after a while.

We have typically kept the supply situation rather simple, because we
are by inclination combat admirals rather than combat accountants. Ships
that can trace a line of supply back to one of their bases get their
expendibles replaced and can repair their hull and armour damage if it
was less than 50%. Ships that are cut off (hence destroyers and raider
frigates are popular, ships can't be replenished and can't repair
damage, in addition they have an increasing chance of suffering a
critical breakdown.

We do allow ships to jump onto the table but it's risky with an ordnance
based attack. You arrive onto the table in the movement phase, so you
can't launch ordnance in the same turn as arrival. It is possible to
jump onto the table, launch ordnance, activate FTL engines and then

We also have 2 types of engagement normal space where we play on a
scrolling table and hyperspace where we play on a fixed 48" diameter
board. We did this to create different types of games and make it harder
to have one trick pony fleets.

Mostly our battles last until one side is destroyed or flees by leaving
the table by outrunning the opponent on conventional drives or by FTL
jump. We don't do tactical FTL jumps around the table.

I agree that it is more difficult to discuss rules and situations when
everyone is doing it their own way.

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