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Re: [GZG] Monster ships

From: Tom B <kaladorn@g...>
Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2010 01:04:43 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Monster ships


Not sure the FSE would need to return to base. They would need fleet
colliers to carry missile and fighter spares. Then again, every fleet
needs some of these to carry food, extra fuel (depends on PSB),
medical staff, etc. FSE need more. SMs and other ordinance should
probably (to balance this) have a lower strategic cost, because it
will have a higher logistical demand.

The early destroyers in our real world would not have had the range
and capability of cruisers... this is why (I believe) cruisers got
that name. Destroyers were good to bring to a fight, but could not
sail around independently projecting the political power and military
power of their nation - that was the role of the cruiser. If a game
universe tracked that, destroyers could be good attritional units with
fleets and as escorts or as local defense, but you'd still need the
bigger ships of the line for the fighting and cruisers or BCs for
independent operations. Of course, nothing says one has to have this
sort of justification, but it would make for an interesting role for
cruisers. Destroyers would still be valuable as the eyes and ears of a
fleet, but only within some range of resupply which is shorter than a

30+ MU speeds are harder to aim at in cinematic than vector. In
vector, your endpoint is still known, within a probability sphere that
is a result of your thrust. Velocity doesn't matter, just your ability
to change it. Of course, you are probably talking cinematic. Vector
games (for reasons of the physics) tend to be jousts anyway, unless
there is a handy moon to slingshot around.

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