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Re: [GZG] Monster ships

From: Samuel Penn <sam@g...>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 08:48:05 +0000
Subject: Re: [GZG] Monster ships

On Wednesday 06 January 2010 04:46:09 Tom B wrote:
> When I had suggested longer ranged weapons, I wasn't thinking of the
> ISD (by the way, love the SSD, got a mass and NPV/CPV to go with it?
> And are there any rules for special damage as I see you appear to
>  have sectioned up the SSD..?), more the 'dreadplanet' (read:
>  arbitrarily large ship).

Rules, details and some other designs here:

I did do some smaller ships, but never got around to uploading
the designs. I used the oversized ships rules in FT2 for
sectioning them up.

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