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Re: [GZG] GROPO Toy Alert!

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 11:45:20 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] GROPO Toy Alert!

Indy wrote on 05/06/2009 10:53:21 AM:

> Just had to drop in on this. :-D

I should expect differently?? ;->=

>> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Doug Evans <>
>> Thanks, Mike! There weren't any treaded HK's (T1?) when I was at the
>> Definitely a little too re-envisioned Lost In Space.
>> By the way, I thought the big bots were both hunter-killers
>> was it just my imagination? Took a minute to Google, and apparently I
>> wasn't the only deluded soul, but some of the piccies suggest the
>> tread on the 'HK Tank' was in place of two in the rear of the
>> yeah, soooo much better....
>> It could have been worse; it could have tried kettenrad-trike.
> <harumph!> And just WHAT is wrong with kettenkrads?? Maybe not the
> most efficient, but it was a cool, neat vehicle, and it's just a
> shame that the Machines didn't recognize that design as such.

Ok, I've a huge crush on 'em, too. However, for an upright monster

>> Also thanks for showing the lower part of the flying HK open; you
>> another angle to show just how dumb it looks. To think, they could
>> a proper drop ramp...
> ...for the purposes it was built, why would it need a drop ramp?
> Isn't it a standalone autonomous flying machine? No need for
> passenger space (ammo space maybe ;-) ). And while yeah, would be
> nice to have something similar with a drop ramp for 25 or 15mm, but
> isn't that what kitbashing is all about. :-D  (for those who can do
> it, that is ;-) ).

I've already admitted to being competence challenged!

However, I think the outline of the drop out is nasty complicated
hammerhead shape; and dumb. There's a clip to hold the T-700 prone.
it's a toy.

>> Have to give cred for the wheel for turbine rotation standing out,
>> looking ok.
>> Am I the only one who wishes they'd have left off the long tail
>> stabilizers?
> Hmmm, weren't they more of a perpendicular V-shape in the movie(s)?

You are correct, sir! However, I think they were smaller, and no
lower fins.

First and foremost, though, tis most kewl, and I hope it's overproduced
put in cut-out bins.

Competence challenged AND cheap!


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