Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Change to 15mm Free Trader Crew.....
From: Tom B <kaladorn@g...>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:14:37 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Change to 15mm Free Trader Crew.....
Gzg-l mailing list
On the figure front, SW has probably outsold Traveller. A few Martian
lines vs. Star Wars clix-ish figures. No contest.
On the game and game supplement, no way. Traveller has been going since
1977. The SWRPG is a 1990s phenomena. It was bigger for a time, maybe is
now, but no way they've matched up to aggregate Traveller sales for 32
years. I know they show up in more places and that will have helped, but
Traveller has sold a lot of product over the years. Just go try to
become a
completist (I'm close and even I, after ridiculous expenditures on
have not got all of the materials). And new stuff comes out of QLI,
little presses like ComStar and companies like Mongoose, not mentioning
of the products done by Gamelords, Judges Guild, GDW, Imperium Games,
the Keith Brothers, Seeker Gaming Systems and others along the line.
I wish there were some half decent 25mm Aslan and Vargr. After that,
Newts or Dynchia. Most of the other races would just be colour - K'kree
would have to be done in Resin or something to be affordable (heavy
figures), Droyne are boring, and the list of interesting but not
used figures would include Virushii, Dolphins, Jagd-Jagd, Ael-Jael and a
wide panopoly of others.
Jon's 25mm UNSC hardsuits make excellent Imperial Marines. Ainsty's
Ventaurians (with helmet ON!) make excellent 25mm Zhodani combat armour.
could probably make a variety of other figure lines Solomani easily
and mercenaries. It's the aliens that give you some issues.
Oh, and as for the Alliance Troops: FCT troops from GZG ought to do in
They aren't perfect, but they'd do.
The not-Blade figure Jon makes (Vampire Hunter with Sword or something)
could do fine for an Operative.
Interestingly, for those who care, look up Rattlehead Games. They've got
some good terrain pieces for 25mm and their 25mm figures seem (from the
sample I just bought) to be true 25mm (the photographer). One warning -
their terrain pieces vary in size scale - Garbage can good, composter a
big, fire hydrants oversize, phone booths about 9 ft tall, pop machines
perfect size, mailboxes good height but waaay wide, etc. The little jeep
they have is a nice looking little vehicle - very much UAZ 469 look to
it -
but their tire moulds suck badly (varying width, varying thickness
across a
wheel). But overall, they've got some neat stuff and fill in some niches
terrain that aren't well filled elsewhere.
"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine
"When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty
quits the horizon." -- Thomas Paine