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Re: [GZG] Stargrunt help

From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 14:18:24 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Stargrunt help

Gzg-l mailing list
Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Doug Evans <> wrote:

> > So I need to know if any one has done any background on the N.A.C
> > and E.S.U in regards to what
> > they call the goverment bodies any named characters so to speak and
> > who is in charge, Yes I
> > know it's alot but like to flesh out my games alot.
> > Any help would be great.
> I've always thought the major powers stayed vague with good reason, as
> folks could fill in the blanks as they wished. However, I think Indy,
> followed by Beth, used to do "JTAS News"-style blurbs once in awhile.
> might try hunting the archives, though they were mostly 'local' items,
as I
> recalled.
> If only I could remember how they ID'd those posts...

When you can't remember, you can always post 'help'. :-D

I posted all the news items I've writtten here:
A short bit down the page, under GZG Universe Entries are the New
Right now there are 25 news articles, spanning from 2057 to 2196.

Some character types appear, but I tried not to go all the way up the
top level to leave things open for backgroun use in whomever's GZG
interpretted universe. :-)

I've been meaning to write up a few more, but Life(tm) has kept
with me at each turn. :-/   Got a few ideas still working on, though. At
some point...


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