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Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality

From: David Lalinde <papecomp@y...>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 16:22:07 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality

> The quality-dependant ranges in SGII work well enough, but
> it is true 
> that they can give some odd results in certain
> circumstances. In 
> DSII, on the other hand, we used fixed ranges by weapon
> type, and I 
> certainly don't recall anyone grumbling about it.

There are two reasons I can see for this lack of grumbling.

One is that DS is much more hardware-oriented than Stargrunt.

The second is the actual ranges that appear in both games. Ranges in
stargrunt are relatively short (well, it depends on the gaming table you
are using, of course) while in Dirtside the ranges are much larger (and
the combat is faster). 

In a standard SGII game the maximum range of the weapon is not a factor
(usually): most weapons could (in theory) hit almost anything within a
standard gaming table, so the skill of the soldier is the actual limit. 

In dirtside a standard game terrain could cover a few miles, so maximum
range is a real factor to consider, since some of the guns will not be
able to hit something on the other side of the battlefield.

As for SG:AC, I do not really now the scales that will be used, but
something in-between will probably be the case: the skill of the soldier
is (or should be) the main factor, up to the maximum range of the weapon
(so both things should be important). 

Just a thought.


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