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Re: [GZG] A new vector movement system

From: Hugh Fisher <laranzu@o...>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 20:50:14 +1100
Subject: Re: [GZG] A new vector movement system

Robert Bryett wrote:
>Thrust reversers, or ducts to direct the thrust of a central engine, 
>imply the ability to "bend" enormously hot, high-velocity streams of 
>plasma or other exhaust. Thrust-reversers would need the power 
>partially to *reverse* the impulse of an interplanetary warship's
>freaking *main engine*!
>I'm not saying these things are PSB-impossible, but the machinery 
>would *not* be made of chocolate or massless fairy-dust. There would 
>be serious trade-offs in mass and complexity to achieve the retro-

Yeah, thrust *reversers* seem a bit unlikely for any
kind of reaction drive.

What do you think of gimbals and/or some magnetic fields
to bend the exhaust through a narrower range of angles
up to 30 degree? That would get rid of the requirement
to be aligned exactly with the direction of thrust. A
good thing in game terms, being less fiddly, and to me
a useful thing if I really were designing a spaceship.


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