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Re: [GZG] UNSC Workings

From: "Robyn Stott" <rodstott@a...>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 09:37:37 +1000
Subject: Re: [GZG] UNSC Workings

Gzg-l mailing list
important role (and indeeed population and tax base) would be the
political control over the SOL system itself.

I am sure the major power blocks would not want each other dominating
the sol system (which would mean major battles within the sol system
itself and possible orbital bombardment of their home nations on earth,
so various treaties regarding the control over space in regards to the
solar system were probably strengthened, and the UN manadated to control
all off world actions within the sol system.

So the terraforming of mars and its colonisation, asteroid belt mining,
as well as asteroid belt settlements etc would all come under UNSC
direct control, with them acting as a barrier to the major powers
exertign their control in SOL.
This could even be extended to take into account the space in the
core/inner systems where colonisation is stabilised, and the major
powers have their slices, with the UN controlling what is left directly
under their mandate.

This along with the smaller independant nations who have thrown
themselves behind the UN to protect their independance would give the UN
a nice tax and population base, as well as the resources for orbital
shipyards and research, and to design their own range of recognizable
ships intended for police actions.

Exploration and First contact would also be mandated to the UNSC, if
only for one reason, trust, as no one side will trust the other side
during the solar wars and their aftermath

Robyn Stott

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