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Re: [GZG] A new vector movement system

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 13:35:46 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] A new vector movement system

Thanks, Hugh!

Not being an FB-vector player, and having difficulty getting players
together (my bad, not the game...)  , it'll take me a bit to get the
noggin' around your ruleset. Give us a few, and then I'd like to see
argument for your vision over the other in FB 1.

In the FT: Remixed, why did decide to go with the round down, round up
for cinematic course changes? I haven't seen that elsewhere.


Hugh Fisher wrote on 12/10/2008 05:11:51 AM:

> I'm trying to design a new set of vector movement rules
> for Full Thrust that increase the realism without too
> much extra hassle. First draft is online at
> <>
> It is not quite complete: still to do are minor thruster
> pushes and fighters, but all the basics are there.
> Everything seems crystal clear to me, but then I'm the
> one who wrote it. Playtesting feedback from other people
> would therefore be very much appreciated.
>    cheers,
>    Hugh

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