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Re: [GZG] IxxPsychology&behaviour? [SEC=PERSONAL]

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 09:23:50 +1100
Subject: Re: [GZG] IxxPsychology&behaviour? [SEC=PERSONAL]

You know, I think we've encountered their ships in a FT PBeM on this
list a few years ago.  Dean? ran two linked games.

"Commodore Alfred K Hole reporting for duty & ready to vapourise another
worldship, Admiral!  Regretfully, will need a new ship, as the last one
got eaten in the ambush."

'Neath Southern Skies

> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf 
> Of Ground Zero Games
> Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 7:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [GZG] Ixx Psychology & behaviour? [TO BE CLASSIFIED]
> >aye - I thought having different strands of Ixx would be fun, almost 
> >Ixx nationalities, which could then fight alongside or 
> against existing 
> >forces...
> Caveat: the following is NOT CANON in any way, just some 
> thoughts I'd been having that may or may not end up being 
> used (I may still decide to go off in another direction entirely...):
> I'd mentioned some time earlier about the idea that the Ixx 
> are possibly a nomadic race, travelling around in HUUUUUGE 
> generation ships (OK, "Hiveships" for want of a better term) 
> - these might have FTL, or might just be travelling sublight 
> and have just begun to enter the fringes of the 
> Human/Kra'Vak/Phalon spheres. The hiveships would be very, 
> very big, planetoid sized, with many millions of Ixx and 
> fleets of combat ships aboard each one. Now, maybe each 
> hiveship is a separate nest/nation/tribe/whatever, which will 
> co-operate at times for the good of the whole Ixx race, but 
> at other times will squabble and fight among themselves over 
> resources, rivalries, power and such.... ?
> Jon (GZG)

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