Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question: troop-carrying VTOLs....?
From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:18:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question: troop-carrying VTOLs....?
At 10:00 AM -0800 11/25/08, Eli Arndt wrote:
>Funny you should mention this. I was eye-balling the Mantis to see if I
>could extend the fuselage to turn it into a carrier for combat walkers.
>I would rather see the Mantis stay a gunships and see something
>sculpted for the troop carrier. Troop transport aircraft have
>different needs than gunships. I would love to see the cargo area left
>modular so that in the future new modules could be added. I am
>something like a scaled down Sky Hook where the fuselage is mainly a
>that sits over the attached module. Some module ideas...
>1) Troop Transport
>2) Vehicle Carrier
Anything larger/heavier than the weapons packs on the base model will
shorten the range, lower the service ceiling and lower the speed. Large
increases will have LARGe bites of your performance envelope.
A LARGER version with MORE fuselage and say, 4 or 6 engine pods would
make more sense I think. It allows modular components for commonality
with the existing craft.
>3) Infantry Support (think Spectre gunship w/ side-mounted weapons or
>even and underslung turret)
Well, Gunships like that are good because they have high loiter time.
VTOLs won't necessarily have that.
>4) Utility
Same function as the troop transport model I think.
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