Re: [GZG] SG house rules for the IXx [SEC=PERSONAL]
From: Andy Hemming <nonsense_factory@h...>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 11:52:36 +0000
Subject: Re: [GZG] SG house rules for the IXx [SEC=PERSONAL]
Gzg-l mailing list
Thanks for this jon, on yr final point (the fluff);
"I also had some thoughts, as yet undeveloped, that the Ixx are galactic
nomads who have just arrived at the edges of human space (yes, I KNOW
it's been used before, but them what hasn't...?) travelling in a group
of really, really big hiveships and attacking/exploiting any suitable
planets they come across for the resources they need..... ;-)"
I know this doesnt really matter as I dont play tuffleyverse, but for me
they are gonna be an almost sublimed species (in the Iain M Banks
sense)... so are gonna be a small contingent of forces acting with other
human or Kravak forces to support their own long term strategic goals -
which as i'm reffing an SG2 campaign with a small human NPC element
playing both sides of a Kravak - Human conflict (Kravak raiders vs Human
Colonisers/miners, with a prior conflict going on between an insurgent
human group against main colonisers) on a planet the Ixx have a
strategic interest in.
For myself this lends some interest as a GM - which tbh I've never had a
huge interest in, but am now looking forward to...> Date: Tue, 25 Nov
2008 08:58:16 +0000> To:> From:> Subject: Re: [GZG] SG house rules for the IXx
[SEC=PERSONAL]> > >I didn't want to add any unbalancing special rules
for SG2, as if too> >many rules are modified, it gets messy. The
chemical communication> >idea, I think, is too detailed for the rules
(and more useful at FMA> >scale). The normal "transfer action" rules
cover it fine.> >> >I like the idea of personal force fields, instead of
armour upgrades.> >> >Ixx Force Fields:> > The Ixx have developed
personal force field technology to the point> >where it can be worn by
infantry. Ixx wearing a forcefield are slower> >(6"/d6x2" move), but
roll an additional 1d6 armour die vs Impact (ie:> >roll 2d6 and take the
highest). [If using a point system, pay for the> >armour twice.] If a
double is rolled, add +1 to the armour die (eg:> >roll "1"+"1", the
armour result counts as a "2")> >> >Ixx Power Armour + Force Field:> >
Although very rare (due to the difficult physiology to work with), the>
>Ixx do have power armour technology, with more powerful force fields.>
>Armour: d10, Force Field: d10, move: 10"/d10x2". [For Power Armour>
>Design System, the forcefield counts as 2 capacity.]> >> >> >Had a
thought about wounded/dead figures. How would the IXx treat their>
>wounded? As humans? Eat them on the spot? (NB: not having wounded in>
>SG can be a benefit).> >If they still retain some instinctual
"bug-like" behaviour, the> >following is an idea.> >> >Wounded Ixx:> >
Casualties are determined as normal during combat. When performing a>
>"re-org" action by a squad, Ixx add +1 to the casualty treatment table>
>(this stacks if there is a designated medic). Any figures that are>
>still wounded after treatment, are considered to be "dead">
>(hibernation/eaten/other) for the rest of the game.> >Independant
figures that are wounded may spend 2 actions to perform a> >"re-org"
action and treat themselves. They do not get the +1 that a> >squad does.
If the figure is still wounded, it is considered "dead" for> >the rest
of the game.> >> >> >What type of small arms would the Ixx use? Laser?
Gauss?> > > Some of my early thoughts had them using gauss of some type,
possibly > small-calibre high ROF flechette type weapons. I did have a
weird > idea of them magnetically firing slugs of molten metal that >
self-forge into a penetrator in flight, but that's pure PSB for the >
sake of it and probably has NO functional reason for existing over a >
conventional bullet...... ;-)> > I did start to write up some notes on
the Ixx a while back, and got > this far; this shouldn't be taken as
canon YET, however, as I'm still > mulling over ideas.....> >
................> > "There is a major vocal component to their
communications, though we > suspect that other cues - visual and
possibly pheromonal - are used > as well. There are no signs at the
moment of any kind of "hive mind" > group consciousness, they appear to
be as much individuals as you and > I; however with only one live
specimen - sorry, I suppose I should > say "prisoner" - taken so far, we
can't be sure of this. While we > don't believe that they are actually
telepathic among themselves, > there are some indications that they may
possess a rudimentary > empathic link over short distances - though this
may be pheromone > based rather than some extrasensory ability.> Their
"speech", if I can use the term, consists of a series of > clicks,
whistles and hisses through their mandibles; it is very > unlikely that
they could ever mimic human vocal sounds. As far as the > linguistic AIs
have managed to determine, the prisoner seems to refer > to itself as
<click>sssssss, which we have rendered as "Ixx" - > whether that is
their name for their race, or the name of the > individual we have
captured, is not yet clear - it could simply be > their equivalent of
"Name, rank and number"Š. but, until we know > more, then Ixx will
serve as a convenient term of reference for this > new enemy."> > > The
standard weapon type of the Ixx is a magnetically-accelerated >
projectile rifle known to Human troops as the "spitter". These > weapons
are capable of very high rates of fire over short durations, > though
the high cooling requirements for such use mean that they are >
generally used at lower fire rates for sustained operation. Most Ixx >
warriors carry a medium-sized individual spitter weapon that is the >
analogue of a human rifle, while leader/officer types have been >
observed with smaller one-handed pistol weapons. Heavy support is >
provided by a much larger spitter gun with an external coolant supply >
from tanks carried on the Warrior's carapace, allowing the support >
spitter to maintain a consistent high rate of fire, while > anti-vehicle
fire is generally provided by Warriors carrying a > shoulder-mounted
launcher weapon firing small unguided hypervelocity > kinetic penetrator
missiles.> Much larger versions of the spitter weapons and the HVKP
launchers > have been observed on Ixx combat vehicles and on groundmount
> platforms crewed by one or more Warriors.> > The insectoid nature of
the Ixx is most apparent in their chitinous > exoskeleton, which affords
them natural protection equivalent to > human light combat armour. Even
with no preparation, the Ixx can > survive exposure to vacuum for
several minutes, and with just a small > amount of special equipment
(mainly protection for the optical > clusters and breathing apertures)
this can be extended considerably.> > .................> > I also had
some thoughts, as yet undeveloped, that the Ixx are > galactic nomads
who have just arrived at the edges of human space > (yes, I KNOW it's
been used before, but them what hasn't...?) > travelling in a group of
really, really big hiveships and > attacking/exploiting any suitable
planets they come across for the > resources they need..... ;-)> > > Jon
(GZG)> > > > >> >> >> >Brendan> >'Neath Southern Skies>
>> >> >> >> -----Original
Message-----> >> From: On Behalf> >> Of Andy Hemming> >> Sent: Monday,
November 24, 2008 8:44 PM> >> Subject: Re: [GZG] SGhouserulesfortheIXx
[SEC=PERSONAL]> >>> >>> >> SG:> >> > Base Armour: d6 (chitin shell)> >>
> >> Could they use armor on top of this, are they high tech?,> >> what
about personal force fields on top?> >>> >> > Base Speed: 8"/d8x2
(better armour slows down as normal)> >> > >> sounds good, (think SG2
needs differentiated movement rules -> >> particularly for vehicles...)>
>>> >> > Psychology: Solo hunter; Any Ixx that counts as> >>
"independant" uses the> >> > movement/hidden rules for snipers. This
also applies to any> >> > detachments of 1 figure from a squad, or a
squad reduced to> >> 1 figure.> >> > >> would welcome further discussion
here, like the suggested> >> chemical communication, but unsure of the
ignore the dead> >> idea, I'm thinking they would be high tech - almost
a higher> >> power, so would not be the type who would be in a SG
scenario> >> en masse, but might be a small group supporting other
forces> >> (probably NPC in a campaign I'm planning) - I'm thinking> >>
they'd be detatched from the squabbling between states that> >> the
tuffley verse seems to comprise (apart from the> >> unification that the
Kravak bring) - so would only step in to> >> tip the balance in favour
of their long term goals...> >> > >>
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