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Re: [GZG] Question: What's in a name - WYSIWYG or not?

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 22:26:25 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] Question: What's in a name - WYSIWYG or not?

>On Sat, 27 Sep 2008, Ground Zero Games wrote:
>>And, if you DID use it for your own army, would any of your little
>>gaming buddies grumble that "that's a <xxx> tank for <xxx> army/game,
>>you can't use it for your PRNCä."
>I don't currently play with anybody like that.  And I won't either.
>I don't play games where the size of your wallet or your luck in
>a mini means you win.	No collectible games.  If I'm out numbered for
>other reasons, like a campain, that's ok.  If I'm out gunned because
>you paid $75 for a Super Star Destroyer on Ebay, forget it.
>That's why I love Full Thrust.   Any ship, any universe, any time, any
>Paper and counters?  Yep.  Minis?  Yep.  Play by email?  Yep.	Full 
>computer?  Yep.
>Now, I'm not a Stargrunt player today.  It's mainly because the 
>prepainted stuff I've bought so far is out of scale.  I've got a ton 
>of prepainted Star Wars figures and abandened GW figures mostly 
>painted.  But I really need FMA
>to play with games with them and convert other players.
>Speaking of converting players:  I've been teaching new players at cons
>a couple of years now.  I was thinking of making a series of free
>videos for people who can't get to cons but have internet access. 
Anyone got
>a problem with that?  Jon?

Fine with me, Mike!  :-)

Jon (GZG)

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