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[GZG] [OT] Concept art at Magnificent Egos

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:13:10 -0500
Subject: [GZG] [OT] Concept art at Magnificent Egos

Sorry for the plaintive whine, but several years ago, a sculptor leapt
a dealer's booth at a big con, snapped my picture for use as a concept
fig. About a year later, the concept art showed in my inbox.

However, aside from a couple inquiries answered by the quite normal sad
story of the trial and tribulations of a small gaming business (check
Avalanche Press' tale of Imperium 3M for that kind of thing...), nothing
seemed to be coming of it until I stumbled on the part of the site
'Concept Art', and there, in an abbreviated version, was moi.

I do ask you to look over the images, vote on those that so move you, in
the hope mine will find favor, become a fig, and I can buy enough to
all the promises I've made for almost half a decade. I do ask that  you
only vote once per image; no ballot stuffing, please. I won't say which
of me, but with all the svelte females in the list of fifteen, you can
narrow the list appreciably.

If you're interested in fantasy/VSF lead, please go to

Then, on the left side, click Gallery,

Then, again on the left, click Concept Art.

You do NOT have to sign in; voting can be anonymous. You are not
to a purchase.

I look forward to the day my darlings can look at a fig of grandfather
hefting high explosives...


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