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Re: [GZG] GW

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 01:14:38 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] GW

I started with the Rogue Trader days. Built squat 
forces in 25mm and later, when epic came out with 
the 5 figure square bases built a large force of 
squats for that. I have somewhere around 100 
figures for 40k with scratch built and kitbashed 
vehicles from the GW line of vehicles. (I even 
kitbashed a TOC version of the Rhino.)

Naturally as things were dropped it got harder to 
go to tournaments and successfully fight a battle 
since I had NO "fancy" hero figures and often 
time tournaments were stacked towards the newer 

Epic was more interesting for longer with the 
large amount of squat specific machines and 
figures (not just bikers and infantry). I have at 
last count 2 land trains with additional cars, 
something like 8 of the super heavy squat 
vehicles (leviathans, collossi and cyclops), 2 
bike squadrons, 1 gyrocopter squadron, a squadron 
of airships, the heavy artillery, mole mortars 
and hordes of infantry mounted on rhinos, land 
raiders and on foot. I think I could lay down 
nearly 15,000 points of figures all told (plus 
some Space marine and Imp Guard allies at another 
3000 pts or so). Then, GW when and changed the 
rules utterly for how 'Epic' Worked. Changed the 
rules so frontage required 5 figure line bases 
for infantry and didn't update the squat rules 
for the new system. And a number of other changes 
and no squats as I recall. So, I bailed from the 

With the lack of even a basic codex for squats in 
40k and Epic, I was utterly through with spending 
money. It didn't help that I remembered buying 
the box set of 3 Rhinos for $25 when now, the 
same exact simple injection moulded model cost 
what, $50 for 1?

I more or less got disgusted with the whole hobby 
for a time, then a few years later found 
Dirtside, and it satisfied my desire for GOOD 
solid wargaming.
Ryan Gill
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'60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3)

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