Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Another question: SF game styles...?
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 11:30:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Another question: SF game styles...?
Voice of the Tuffleyverse wrote on 07/01/2008 05:14:10 PM:
> *Beth*:
> >That's not going to make your life simpler I suspect ;)
> This question was more prompted by general curiosity than any need to
> research a specific point, so all answers (yes, even yours, Beth!)
> are interesting.... ;-)
On the contrary, I'm going to assume this, and the other answers, will
it MUCH more difficult, as they are all over the place.
The combined four books for FT give generic and simple 'realism', fiddly
realism, specific 'out there', and richly developed background, between
1) original rules, 2) vector movement, 3) weird add-ons like wave guns
fighters, 4) FTII and MoreT fluff extended into fleet book fleets.
Why do we still talk about BDS? Gropos want the same cake-and-eat-it-too
that we Vacc-heads so deservedly enjoy.
Glad I don't have to think about it; would keep me up nights...
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