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Re: [GZG] Shipping sheep

From: Robert N Bryett <rbryett@g...>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 09:55:02 +1000
Subject: Re: [GZG] Shipping sheep

On 22/05/2008, at 22:35 , Magnus Alexandersson wrote:
> The swedish military uses these, they are called "new degrees"  
> here. :)

Well grads *do* make a lot of sense in many ways. It's certainly a  
lot easier to do bearing calculations in your head.

On 23/05/2008, at 06:26 , wrote:

> According to my brother the "Undergrad" carries all the equipment,  
> while the "Grad" waves his arms and writes stuff down. Or so it was  
> when he was considering Surveying as a career.

In the days before surveying equipment went electronic, the  
traditional social hierarchy was:

1. The Observer: Actually operates the level, theodolite etc., and  
reads off the results to the Booker. Uses hand-signals to instruct  
the Staffman (see below, way below). Does not carry the equipment  
(may, if especially conscientious, carry the actual instrument as an  
expression of distrust in his colleagues' clumsiness). In wet weather  
(I worked as a surveyor in England), will have a golf umbrella held  
over him by:

2. The Booker: Stands next to the Observer to hold the umbrella.  
Incidentally juggles a notebook and pencil to write down the  
Observer's readings. May gain some shelter from the umbrella, but  
more likely to have drips from the edge go down his neck and all over  
his notebook. Responsible for all errors in the readings not  
attributable to the ineptitude of the Staffman, especially if the  
Observer is a Principal or Senior (in government service) or a	
partner (in private practice). Carries the tripod (heavy, muddy and  
designed to trap fingers) and any other gear from station to station.  
While so occupied, the Observer will hold the umbrella over his own  
head, since the Booker will have both hands full.

3. The Staffman: Sometimes known as the Assistant. Drags out the  
chain, holds the other end of the tape; carries, positions and	
collects at the end of the day the arrows and targets; supports the  
heavy telescopic staff used in levelling. Needs both hands, so no  
umbrella. Scrambles over broken ground and deep mud, through thorn- 
bushes, across streams etc. Fends off curious sheep, incontinent cows  
and aggressive dogs. Peers through the rain at the barely visible  
Observer in a futile attempt to discern his hand-signals. Relays chip  
butties and mugs of tea, lifts manhole covers, load and unloads the  
vehicle etc. etc.

Best regards, Robert Bryett

Gzg-l mailing list

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