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Re: [GZG] List moderation was: Dear John

From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 13:11:35 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] List moderation was: Dear John

Gzg-l mailing list
Mon, May 19, 2008 at 11:11 AM, <> wrote:

> Just to add a few more points on this topic.
> Allan raises some good points regarding the use of Forums.
> I currently visit four forums on a regular basis and as well as the
> of just seeing the posts made since my last visit they also have a
> that e-mail's to notify me of a reply to a topic I have posted on.
> I've used this to great effect on playtest forums where you need to
> pace with an active conversation.
> So they sort of act like mailing lists if you want them to.

The problem (for those of us who don't have the time to be proactive on
forums) is that you don't get any email that covers newly posted
threads/topics. Only the ones you've posted or have specifically
requested a
'watch' to get emails about a particular thread. There is one forum I
on a semi-regular basis, and only one thread on that forum, and only
it is a regularly posted-to thread and I get emails when somethings
to said thread. I have watches on many, many other threads, but all
threads have gone stale (and some may have well been archived off) due
lack of conversation.

Threads/topics on forums are transitory. Email is...well, okay, not
but for a darn long time. :-)  And unlikely you'd miss anything you had
serious interest in.

> I find the ability to follow threads easier on a forum, not having to
> about cutting out repeated text in replying to e-mails is also a
bonus. You
> also cut down on private posts going to the whole list :) (guilty as
> on at least one occasion!).

I also.

I still have the order of badgers from it. :-/

> I agree that a forum may reduce the traffic from this list and that
> members of this list will not move to a forum. But I also see an
> forum with a GZG e-mail newsletter where Jon can inform the membership
> deals and new items as the way to go.

I agree there are some very nice perks and benefits to forums. And if
GZG list ultimately goes forum, I will likely fade into the occasional
lurker dude. I know how proactive you have to be on a forum, and I know
much time I (don't) have available to *be* proactive. :-/


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