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Re: [GZG] List moderation was: Dear John

From: Andy Hemming <nonsense_factory@h...>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 15:58:09 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] List moderation was: Dear John

Gzg-l mailing list
I wouldnt suggest a forum If I thought it'd put Jon out of buisiness...
I never thought of a forum like that, as something with that much
power... I'd prefer to use a forum that gathered you guys together,
allowed more searching, allowed you to see at a glance whjat was new
since your last visit etc...
- looking over the mailing list archives I can see that you have a
fairly hardcore rules discussion going on here	- As a relative newcomer
to GZG gaming (only 18 months or so) scouting through the archives has
been useful, but not easy (never easy!) - and I do feel somewhat drowned
in discussions sometimes... which wouldnt be the case if it was forum
based & I chose web only...
However web searching has provided me with alot of info, from Hyperbear
& others (thanks all) - I do use a few forums though... they can have a
sense of community  in the OT sections as well as the more focussed
sections... but they do need traffic... I would probably use a forum
more often (but am also banned at work from much web activity)... god I
don't know, I'm rambling...
Its up to you long timers, its more your community than mine, they are
more your discussions than mine..
Best wishes
Andy<html><div></div></html>> Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 09:36:27 -0500>
From:> To:>
Subject: Re: [GZG] List moderation was: Dear John> > On Mon, May 19,
2008 at 6:52 AM, Ground Zero Games <> wrote:> > > I think
this has been asked before, but opinions may have changed......> > would
it necessarily mean the death of the list if we had a forum AS WELL?> >
There are GZG forums out there. I used to belong to the Yahoo>
Fullthrust-Stargrunt forum.> > The problem with hosting a forum is that
you will fracture the> discussion. This happens with Arc Dream, the
roleplaying company I've> been writing for. There's an official Arc
Dream forum, plus there's> the Project Nemesis web site for topics about
the game system in> general (with particular emphasis on one of Arc
Dream's products),> there are discussions on, and then there are
two Yahoo Groups> for separate Arc Dream stuff.> > Shane at Arc Dream
posts on all of these sites whenever there's> something official needing
to go out. Are you willing to do that, Jon?> > Even with Shane posting
everywhere, the main "go-to" board is Project> Nemesis, which means
there are people hanging out at the other> locations who miss the "main"
discussions.> > If you create a forum, you will fracture the game base.
That's not> necessarily a bad thing. You might find the forum attracts a
lot of> new fans, while the mailing list does not. You might find that
the> standard, typical "newbie" questions all show up on the board
while> the GZG grognards discuss different stuff.> > However, at some
point one or the other is going to become the "go-to"> location, with
the other locations falling further and further out of> favour.> > You
have to ask yourself if the forum will increase your business.> And, if
it will increase your business, is it worth losing touch with> some of
the long-time GZG customers who won't migrate to a forum (or> who will
migrate but only visit it on rare occasions).> > > But I seem to recall
that when this was last mooted, there> > were a number of strongly
dissenting voices of the opinion that the list> > would then fold
through lack of use and we'd lose several old (in list> > terms!!) and
valued members, so the idea got shelved.> > Thoughts now??> > I think
you probably would lose several long term customers. Whether> or not
that's a bad thing depends on whether or not a forum would> increase
your sales. It's not the first company that's folded because> they
alienated their loyal customers. It's also not the first company> that
found considerable growth by unshackling themselves from older>
customers who were keeping them static.> > -- > Allan Goodall>>> >
_______________________________________________> Gzg-l mailing list>>

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