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Re: [GZG] [OT] web hosting services

From: Michael Llaneza <maserati@s...>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 09:28:17 -0700
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OT] web hosting services I unabashedly recommend them professionally. I have  
heard of some issues with them, but they've never bitten myself nor  
any of my associates. Good, cheap hosting plans.

On May 16, 2008, at 8:51 AM, Indy wrote:

> Greetings, everyone (well, everyone who opened this email,  
> anyway ;-) ),
> I just learned yesterday that my webpage service provider is going  
> to terminate/discontinue providing web hosting services as of June  
> 30th, 2008. Does anyone have any recommendations for relatively  
> inexpensive web hosting sites that:
> 1) don't flood visitors with their own ads
> 2) can host 10-20 MB of files
> 3) don't have severe restrictions on bandwidth (not that my pages  
> get a LOT of visitation, but they do get visited and I'd hate to  
> start having to track how much bandwidth is being used :-( )
> BCPL has been a great resource for the past 8 or so years, and has  
> only ever charged ~$10/month to host webpages, give an email acct  
> (which I never used), etc. So I'd also be looking for something  
> more or less along the same price range.
> Any of ya out there in net-land have any suggestions/recommendations?
> Mk
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