Re: [GZG] Quick question
From: Evyn MacDude <infojunky@c...>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 09:52:25 -0700
Subject: Re: [GZG] Quick question
Gzg-l mailing list
e is a better list.
On May15 08, at 01:08, Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Which of our 6mm (or 25mm) vehicles would you most like to see
> reproduced (and be prepared to buy) in 15mm?
DSM 102 AV6 Troop Transport VTOL
SFA-27 Cargo Carrier
SF25-11 Police Patrol Aircar
SF25-27 Light Hover-Jeep (Civil/Military Scout Vehicle)
SF25-68 Maverick Police/Security Fancar
SF25-69AWheeled Flatbed Truck - Civilian full-cab style
SF25-69BWheeled Flatbed Truck - Civilian half-cab style
SF25-69CWheeled Flatbed Truck - Military armoured cab
SF25-69DWheeled Truck with civilian cab and Box Body
SF25-69EWheeled Truck with Command Post body
SF25-70A, B or C As for 25-69 A,B,C but with HOVER chassis
SF25-70D or E As for 25-69 D and E but with HOVER chassis
DF-S02 Tracked ammunition carrier/supply vehicle
DF-S04 HEMTT heavy wheeled cargo truck (canvas top)
DF-S05 HEMTT heavy wheeled cargo truck (flatbed)
DF-S07 Light GEV van (police/civilian)
DF-S08 Civilian vehicles pack
Evyn MacDude
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