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Re: [GZG] How fast is FTL in GZGverse?

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 10:00:23 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] How fast is FTL in GZGverse?

Fuzzy max 1 yr round trip to Barnard's Star, just under six light years,
from FTII.

'2063 The first trans-solar probe is launched to (and returns from)
Barnard's Star.'

The Lafayette campaign rules from the same book have six light years of
movement per week.

Did I win?


TomB wrote on 05/13/2008 09:20:40 AM:


> And bonus points for anyone who can point out existing canonical
> references (citations!) that state what speed/time is involved in Jump
> or strongly imply an answer.

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