Re: [GZG] Mine resistant vehicles
From: "K.H.Ranitzsch" <kh.ranitzsch@t...>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 10:33:38 +0200
Subject: Re: [GZG] Mine resistant vehicles
Ryan Gill schrieb:
> I love how they barely even state the weapons
> that they mean, ie the EFP off route mines that
> have been making their way to Iraq via the nice
> friendly peace loving Iranian government.
Though it is far from clear that the EFP mines do come from Iran.
Apparently, any competent cobbler can produce the metal disk for the
penetrator and the other neccessary metal parts. Explosives and fuzes
are readily available in Iraq. For a discussion, see here:
The basic idea is from WWII, designs were developed in the 1960s, I have
an open-source Bundeswehr technical article from the 1980 with
considerable details.
To bring this slightly back on to topic, it is an example where an
effective weapon can be produced by simple 'colony' means. The
sophistication is in developing the basic know how. Reproducing the
design is then simple.
KArl Heinz
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