Re: [GZG] FTverse colinies
From: "Robert Mayberry" <robert.mayberry@g...>
Date: Sun, 4 May 2008 23:18:47 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] FTverse colinies
Thanks for the response to my questions!
I'm adapting my standard templates for this-- did a little work today.
Basically my approach is to do a pro forma income statement / balance
sheet for a "typical" colonization project, then use the DuPont Model
as a kind of dashboard for sanity checks. I realize that dupont has
its limitations, especially on projects with a long profit horizon,
but it's great when you're trying to untangle a mess. It's all in
Excel, at least so far. I'll have to do some research on shipping to
firm up the numbers.
Currently, I'm thinking that since we have prices for fighters in both
FT2.5 and DS2, it might be possible to generate a rough conversion
from DS2 points to FT2.5 points, which equate directly to Universal
Credits. From that we can get a ballpark for cost of labor, since DS2
has a points value for infantry. I realize that there are major
limitations to this approach, but it ought to be enough to get costs
to within an order of magnitude.
Of course, this will compete with my existing schoolwork (disclaimer:
I'm only beginning my graduate studies, so I have about a billionth of
your knowledge) so no idea how fast it will go. Would you mind if I
emailed you with a couple questions once in a while?
> > * One area where I *might* have enough expertise to add something
> > in the economics of migration....
> Sounds good (my progress will be slow but if you send me some
> cost functions (would you do the normal split of fixed, variable etc
> costs?), any discount rates etc you want included I can build them in
> I get moving on the improved code for this). Would also fit my plans
> hand the project to a grad student as an example of metapopulation
> modelling as we are increasing the sophistication of the social and
> economics modules we're considering in the course too ;)
Robert Mayberry
(678) 984-5113
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