Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question: was Re: [SG3]: What if?
From: "K.H.Ranitzsch" <kh.ranitzsch@t...>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 06:56:27 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question: was Re: [SG3]: What if?
John Atkinson schrieb:
> bots = "I don't like being limited by morale rules and supressions"
> That may not be why you're saying it. It's why some people are saying
> It removes a major strength and emphasis of the rules. A game where
> robots dominate (and they will, if you allow them to be more or less
> infantry immune to morale and supression with no balancing
> disadvantages) will not be Stargrunt.
Robots should be subject to suppression and morale in a fashion similar
to other troops.
Why ?
A trooper becomes suppressed when his immediate surroundings become too
dangerous to continue with his mission - a robot that ignores this would
very soon become a heap of scrap metal.
A platoon's morale fails when the situation is too hot to continue -
again, only robots with a scrap-heap wish would go on regardless.
Karl Heinz
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