Re: [GZG] Feedback on Beta Fighter Revisions
From: Hugh Fisher <laranzu@o...>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 20:59:53 +1000
Subject: Re: [GZG] Feedback on Beta Fighter Revisions
Richard Bell wrote:
>The decision to evade should be made before the player owning the
>fighters finds out what is being fired. Announcements should be
>made about which fighter groups are under the eye of an FCS and then
>one player secretly writes down whether the fighters are evading and
>the other player secretlywrites down what, if any, weapons are
>firing (irrespective of weapons committed, the FCS is 'used' for the
>purposes of fire. After orders are written, both sets are revealed
>and resolved.
In the proposed rules firing at fighters happens at the same
time as all other anti-ship firing by that ship. It's simple
and fast, why change it? Plus, unless *all* weapons fire by
the ship in question is secretly written down, it's not going
to be hard for the fighter player to figure things out. "My
Jerez is firing the port and all-round beam-2s at the destroyer
and, uh, some other weapons at your fighter group."
And now we've got *both* players writing things down instead
of just one - though not for every fighter group.
>PSB: The warning receivers will register the fire control signals,
>not the weapons fire. As the FCS can handle the tracking for
>anything, the pilot has no idea what is inbound. During the Cold
>War, illuminating an adversary with a tracking radar was a good way
>to 'rattle his cage', as there was no way to find out if a missile
>had not been fired. A fighter that evades has no way of knowing the
>difference between being missed and not being fired at. Fighters
>that do not evade will know, but the information will be received
>too late to act upon it.
In Full Thrust an anti-ship FCS isn't the same as a point or
area defence firecon. The pilot should know the difference.
That's a technicality though: the idea of PSB is to decide
on the effect wanted (no before-hand fighter planning here)
and work backwards to a cause.
Hugh Fisher
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