Re: [GZG] Battlefllet Gothic Conversion
From: <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 12:09:41 +1200
Subject: Re: [GZG] Battlefllet Gothic Conversion
GW isn't the only Space Opera universe to have huge ships.
You can scale the ships however you want. If 50 tonnes is how you have
chosen to represent an escort then scaling to 20 times for a dreadnought
sounds fine.
You could simplify the games by scaling down the ships bu then you end
up with the cruiser class carriers having 2 suadrons of fighters and a
couple of beam batteries.
If you want to make a short range pulse torpedo with 4" range bands just
halve the mass of a normal torpedo.
When designing the ships you want to make the ships ponderous so
Imperial Cruisers would probably only have thrust 3-4 at most, abd
battleships maybe only 2-3. IIRC about 1 point of thrust per 5cm of GW
movement sounds about right.
Imperial and chaos ships have most of their weapons bearing broadside
and only limited amounts of weapons bearing frontally.
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