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[GZG] Battlefllet Gothic Conversion

From: "Ryan Fisk" <ryan.fisk@g...>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 18:50:14 -0600
Subject: [GZG] Battlefllet Gothic Conversion

Hi All,

I'm working on a BFG Chaos conversion for FT and I had a question.

Do you think it's better to make them as near to the BFG stats as
possible or go with a "look and feel" that seems right?

The ships in the background and the minis are HUGE.  A cruiser in
Gothic is ~3km long in the background AFAICT.  I did a version them as
"accurately" as possible according to the Gothic stats for this round.
 I may do a more "look and feel" version later.

I used a modified version of Dean's spreadsheet (modified by me to add
the publicly available playtest weapons, but only the LRPTs were used
(for the 45-60cm lances, though a short range pulse torpedo would kind
of make sense for the 30cm lances)) and the ships range from Mass 50
Iconoclast Escorts (169 points each) to Mass 600 Despoiler Battleships
(2102 points each).  It's not finely tuned, but I didn't "optimize"
any of them, I just tried to make the ship have stats that would
closely mirror the ship stats from the BFG rulebook.

I do realize that these ships are MONSTROUSLY huge compared to Fleet
book designs, but doing them mcuh smaller seemed to require more
"judgement" on my side and I wanted to keep it as straightforward as
has the data on the ships in BFG terms.

(And just want to add that Mike's game at Valhallas he mentioned here
for April was a blast!)
Ryan Fisk
Gzg-l mailing list

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