Prev: [GZG] re: New NSL Ship Naming Next: Re: [GZG] Leviathan to FT conversion?


From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 13:04:47 +0000

Hi all,

A couple of bits of news:



The "new NSL" CL, BC, BB and BDN are all now available, which means 
that we now have all the classes out for the full NEW-STYLE NSL 
MEGAFLEET (and thus also the Starter Fleet deals, the Intro Fleet 
packs and the FT-Pak3 Battle Squadron)!

These pack deals are going up on the webstore today, and the 
individual ship codes will follow in a couple of days once I've had 
the chance to assemble and take pics of the latest ships.

In addition to the classes mentioned above, we ALSO have a new Attack 
Cruiser (CA) and Heavy Destroyer (DDH) for the fleet, and for a 
LIMITED PERIOD ONLY (until Friday 6th April, Good Friday) anyone who 
orders a MEGAFLEET pack of the new ships will receive a CA and a pair 
of DDH as FREE extras with their fleet deal!



With SALUTE 2007 coming up soon (April 21st at Excel, London), we are 
making a PRE-ORDER offer for the show; if you place an order online 
for collection at the show, and PRE-PAY with a card, then we'll give 
you 10% discount on the order. If you wish to place a pre-order but 
prefer to pay for it on the day, then that's fine; this won't get you 
the discount, but it will still save you a lot of time on the day.

Simply place your order online (or by phone) as usual, and note in 
the "comments" box that it is a SALUTE PRE-ORDER; if you fill in your 
credit card info we'll take it as a pre-paid order and debit the cost 
when we pack it for you, minus the 10% discount. If you want to pay 
on the day, please note that clearly in the comments and we will not 
debit the payment in advance.

For both pre-paid and pay-on-day orders, there is a CUT-OFF DATE of 
SUNDAY 15th April for ALL Salute pre-orders to be received by us; the 
last week of preparation before the show is so busy that we won't 
have much time to prepare orders then.


All the best,

Jon (GZG)

Gzg-l mailing list

Prev: [GZG] re: New NSL Ship Naming Next: Re: [GZG] Leviathan to FT conversion?