Re: [GZG] SUS - Sa'vasku
From: Ian Downing <iandowning112@y...>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 14:37:50 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] SUS - Sa'vasku
Gzg-l mailing list
Can you explain to a lurker why SV ships do not have non-structural
biomass? Both MT & FT2 say the ships are designed living entities, but
ships with pod launchers and drone wombs have to consume their own
structure to use them. Thats like me consuming muscle when I exercise
instead of fat. If in extremis (eg equivalent of starving, all reserves
gone) then use structural biomass, but it always seemed strange that SV
ships destroy themselves to fight. Did I join the list too late and miss
this discussion?
Surely when a ship reaches the size to mount a pod launcher or drone
womb they would also have an option to lay down spare biomass, which
could be used to make pods and drones or even be used to replace
carapace and perhaps even structural biomass in campaign games. These
ships are designed by an ancient race after all and should have some
advantages other younger races just cannot get. Yes, it would make
them more expensive, but also more capable.
Jaime Tiampo <> wrote:
On Thu, March 8, 2007 1:22 pm, said:
> ---- Jaime Tiampo wrote:
>>> So to start the discussion:
>> Endocrine System: MASS 50% Carapace allocated
>> Biomass: 1 per carapace box
>> Power: 1 per carapace box from Repair Pool
> What does this mean??
> Can you explain what this means and how it is supposed to work.
Beth is correct.
> One of the things that doesn't work very well for the SV ships is that
> apart from the drives and stinger nodes they don't get any mass
> in their systems. SV shields effectively cost twice as much mass as a
> human tech shield (mass of system + mass of generators).
I agree. That's why I stopped using them. The mass/power is better
allocated elsewhere.
> One of the other things about SV ships is that if they get cripplies
> often can't generate enough power to jump.
True. I've lost a lot of ships trying to repair power generators. It's
of the most frustrating things playing SV. They realistically loose 50%
their effectiveness after the first row.
> Things that might be useful for SV would be the 3 hull rows used in
the UN
> fleets.
That's actually one of the ideas I was going to bring out eventually.
Changing to that though is a big difference. You'd have to divide power
into thirds, so you're loosing 33% effectiveness or 66% if you try and
repair. I'd almost think that MORE hull rows would drain power slower
> More systems that use up more energy are not good systems for SV
Well won't all systems to that? Isn't that the whole shtick of the race?
> If you want to expand the range of options available to SV ships then
> maybe you want to look at different kinds of nodes. Changes to the pod
> launchers so they are useful for something other than pod launchers.
I've got some ideas for things like that too. For instance I've been
trying to put some numbers down for a lightning node. Power is allocated
to it in turn 1 and held like a capacitor for a turn. Next turn you fire
stinger node and for each hit from the stinger you apply D6 damager like
Trying to figure out range limits and stuff so that it's viable, but not
some sort of super weapon.
> If the lance pod is supposed to be the primary AP weapon of the SV
then it
> needs to be a bit better than a pulse torpedo with a -1 to hit that
does a
> point of damage to it's own ship.
I agree. I don't even use lance pods. To me they're more anti ordinance
launchers. I'd like the Pod Launcher re evaluated.
It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't
if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.
George Burns
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