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RE: [GZG] [Aliens] was Re: FMA at EEC etc

From: "McCarthy, Tom \(xwave\)" <Tom.McCarthy@x...>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:49:28 -0500
Subject: RE: [GZG] [Aliens] was Re: FMA at EEC etc

> Some of the best visual representation markers are the blast markers
> used
> in EPIC and in their BFG game. Want to know where the action is? It's
> to spot units under fire because they are covered in explosion
> Looks cool and has a game effect.

I certainly agree with this.  GW's 'under fire' markers really helped
you visually grasp where the shells were landing.  Given sufficient
budget, I'd definitely recommend them as suppression markers (and maybe
stress chits).

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