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RE: FMA at EEC: was Re: [GZG] Re: GZG ECC X: Indy's AAR (parts 1 &2)

From: "McCarthy, Tom \(xwave\)" <Tom.McCarthy@x...>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:11:21 -0500
Subject: RE: FMA at EEC: was Re: [GZG] Re: GZG ECC X: Indy's AAR (parts 1 &2)

Showing my roots...

The robot programming rules came from the red covered Chapter Approved
supplement for Rogue Trader, and were a reprint of a White Dwarf
article, I believe.  A rather nice idea, where it cost points to have a
complex program driving your robot, and the program ran slower/your
robot did less, but small, tight programs were prone to friendly fire,
especially as the robot became damaged and decision points in the
program changed to randomized results.

Rogue Trader also made the original Tyranids and Zoats into very
interesting and distinctive races, but the Eldar didn't become an
interesting race with its own mythology until later.

The Tyranids may be the least human of the GW alien races, but they
offer something most any wargamer relishes; near perfect command and
control and an imperative to throw your troops' lives away in bold
gambits, caring nothing for the lives of the individual trooper.  That's
a theme in most GW army lists, but the Tyranids take it to the ultimate

>I saw some Tau stuff in the GW shop window a while ago that looked
pretty >cool. It made a change from the usual 40K refugees from a
heavy-metal >album-cover, as drawn by a Nazi-regalia collector on

I believe this is called the 'Blanchitsu' aesthetic, after John Blanche.

>Several players in our group don't like the perceived complexity of the
SV >ships, preferring the simplicity and variety offered by human tech

If the game is about putting yourself in the admiral's seat and enjoying
the thrill and power of the moment, you don't want to micromanage
whether each ship saved enough power to fire their guns.  Some people
love the attention to detail required to run Sa'vasku, but to a good
sized chunk of the audience, all that math makes it 'work', not 'fun'.

Gzg-l mailing list

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