Re: [GZG] EMP Weapons on Fighters
From: DOCAgren@a...
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:58:11 EST
Subject: Re: [GZG] EMP Weapons on Fighters
Gzg-l mailing list
In a message dated 1/30/07 8:46:18 AM, mintroll-ft-list writes:
> >Side Effect, all Fighters (including EMP carrying) or Missiles
> Friend or Foe) within 6mu use, >are affected by burst and are +1
Easier to hit
> by PDF. Heavy fighters are only affected out to 3mu.
> >
> >Each Fighter Cost +4, and it has a Effectiveness of 3 for our Modular
> Fighter Construction rules.
> So basically, shooting as for EMP beams as descibed in the OCR Beta
> with standard Anti-fighter or reduced like Attack Fighters?>>
Well we use a Modular Fighter Construction, so the field player can make
choice for Anti-Fighter, but I would say for those not using they would
be like
Attack Fighters.
> I don't think Heavy Fighters should get another benefit - they already
> their -1DRM to hit.>>
It not so much a benefit, just granting them giving them the benefit of
"better shielding" so cuts down the effect of the EMP weapons being
> Also, the +1DRM after firing is a reduced penalty if using the
modified (FT
> 3rd ed hopeful) fighter rules, as they all fire after the ships -
> ship based PDF won't gain any benefit.>>
Well, we have yet to use the new Beta Fighter rules, so that wasn't part
our balance... But we did like the idea of Fighters and Missiles
caught in
EMP "blast range" should get some negative effects. Would for under
new Beta
rules, a penalty of -1 on attack rolls for 1 turn be effective
the time it takes the computer to reboot for fighters or missiles?
> Sorry to be the one picking away, my group wanted me to put in Needle
> Fighters into our campaign, as yet no one has fielded them, but I'm
still not
> convinced on them - of course, campaign verses straight games place
> emphasis on fighters depending on how you handle loses/resupplying.>>
Very true.. Fighters can be very expensive when U need to replace
them, in
a Campaign setting. How did U put your Needle Fighters in? We look
them, and used Needle Attack Fighters/2 for # of attacks (costed as
fighters). PDF gets a +1 to the roll.
> I looked through the pages I compiled my systems list from:
> ...sadly found no mention of EMP fighters, I owe a lot to the people
> compiled that list (made making my own for FTCamp a hell of a lot
> Simon>>
> Yep that resource is a wonderful 1... EMP fighter s was something at
group thought might make a good pirate fighter armament. So I came
here to
share and get feedback.
Just a Lurker here on the Digest, But maybe I have a good idea or 2..