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Re: [GZG] [GZG Fiction] Basic Street Fighting Manual

From: "John Atkinson" <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 17:37:30 +0300
Subject: Re: [GZG] [GZG Fiction] Basic Street Fighting Manual

In 1/29/07, <> wrote:

> Simple matter is despite the fact for centuries people have known
> in to a city is bad we still do it. That's not going to end by the

We generally do it because we want to control the population living in
the cities.  That doesn't apply when attempting to commit genocide on

But even when we wish to control the cities, we don't wish to fight
major battles in them.

> GZGverse for two reasons. For one on a terraformed planet like Mars,
> even if smashed up the crater and ravine cities are still the most
> habitable bits so getting in and rooting around, even with compromised
> domes is better than making the place completely unihabitable - humans
> still want to live there afterwards. The place is also riddled with
> human tunnels let alone whatever the Kra'Vak have so the humans have
> make sure the job is done and pockets don't remain to kick out at them
> later - no stone left unturned mentality. Basically they have to (even
> putting aside that people will want to because of the meaning of it).

I'd be thinking on letting the KraVak starve.  Even if you don't nuke
'em, you can ignore the strongholds and fight in an open war of
maneuver.  You aren't rebuiliding those habitats any time in the near
future.  Non-persistant Nerve Gas or some KV-specific bugs might also
be a better idea than little dudes with rifles.

> Second, and most importantly for us, it makes a fun game.

Well, yes.

> The Kra'Vak don't want too many infantry battles as they have a more
> limited stock of bodies to call on ultimately - that's why the player
> here wanted to use bigger weapons and more vehicles (the human players
> weren't told of the restrictions and had to figure that for
> End result KV player wanted to get more into DS games and even in SG
> wanted his big tanks in there to make things tough for the infantry.
> Human decisions and a few bad rools meant it didn't go his way. Part
> the fun of playing it out is some people/aliens make mistakes, leads
> some interesting (and unscheduled) plot points.

If the intent of the street fights is to grind up trained troops
faster than the KV can replace them, by putting expendable/replacable
human troops into deliberately high-casualty fights, then it makes

>From a politician's standpoint, not a buck sergeant's.

> > Lots of things move faster than WWII these days.  :)
> True, want to hazard a guess at how fast we'd learn how to beat an
> alien? ;)

Depends on who is doing the learning, and how responsive your
equipment development cycle is to field feedback.

I've seen a lot of new toys get fielded in the past 4 years, and TTPs
change on a regular basis.  Same for Mr. Hajj.

"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
and again.  We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani
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