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Re: [GZG] Quick survey - 15mm SF preferences?

From: "James Moore" <jmooreou@g...>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:32:37 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Quick survey - 15mm SF preferences?

Gzg-l mailing list my two cents
(although I'm really a spaceship guy)

1) Tracked vehicles- 5
2) Wheeled vehicles- 5
3) Hover vehicles (air cushion)- 3
4) "Early" Grav (like the ones we've done so far)- 5
5) "Advanced" Grav (high tech)- 4
6) Walkers (multi-legged)- 1
7) Walkers (bipedal, ie: "Mechs")- 1

In my opinion walkers fit in more with Star Wars abd Battletech. I know
there's a faction out there that really enjoys them, but for near-future
conflict like in the FT/DS/SG universe, I don't think they're really
The way some trends in the U.S. Army are looking (FCS) wheeled might be
way things are heading.

On 11/10/06, Ground Zero Games <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some quick questions on 15mm SF:
> I want to get some idea of what people want to see (or see more of)
> in the 15mm vehicle range, so I'd like to know your preferences re:
> tech levels and mobility types.
> Please rate your liking for the following types of AFVs, on a scale
> of 1 to 5, with 1 being "stupid idea, can't stand 'em" and 5 being
> "yes please, would buy lots!"  ;-)
> 1) Tracked vehicles
> 2) Wheeled vehicles
> 3) Hover vehicles (air cushion)
> 4) "Early" Grav (like the ones we've done so far)
> 5) "Advanced" Grav (high tech)
> 6) Walkers (multi-legged)
> 7) Walkers (bipedal, ie: "Mechs")
> Thanks!
> Jon (GZG)
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> Gzg-l mailing list

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