Re: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)
From: "john tailby" <John_Tailby@x...>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 19:46:48 +1300
Subject: Re: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Atkinson" <>
> On 11/9/06, David Rodemaker <> wrote:
>> Sort of the reason why I don't mind fighters being so damn effective
- we
>> play campaigns and as valuable as the fighters are - the pilots are
>> more so... Losing fighters is a huge pain in the ass, loosing the
>> can
>> be crippling. At the end of a long campaign (ours) carriers are
>> understrengthed, some of them massively so. The concept of "throwing"
>> your
>> fighters at the enemy the way I see some people do it in pick-up
>> quickly goes by the wayside after a couple of nasty fights. It
>> becomes a tactic of desperation.
> Hehe. . . maybe you could do the Japanese thing and have more fighters
> than qualified pilots, and be forced to choose between using them as
> large cruise missles, or putting them up with pilots with 12 hours of
> training and hoping they will luck out and shoot down an American
> aircraft. :)
> That's the real killer on fielding fighters, qualified pilots. As the
> Syrians and Egyptians discovered over and over again, you can buy all
> the fighters you like, without qualified pilots they are pretty much
> worthless except as decoys to draw the enemy into AA traps. Perhaps
> you could have a whole ranking of uselessness below the standard rules
> for fighters for use in campaign games. :)
But for determining who won in a one off game fighters and missiles give
no victory points compared to killing a ship. Why wouldn't you expend
ordinance attacks against the enemy, if your carrier survives then you
away with no VP loss, yet the gunship commander gets crippled wiping out
the fighters and his ship give up a big loss in VP.
In the real life situation you describe a carrier with no fighters
count as crippled because it can't fight.
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