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From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@v...>
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2006 01:22:57 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] OODA

John A said:
> Difficult to implement, impossible to balance,
> unsure that added paperwork load would add to enjoyment of the game.

You're jumping the gun. We haven't got the concept yet, other than a 
suggestion that Piquet *might* be of interest. Wait until we have an
nailed down before telling us that it won't work. :-)

> If it is a significant enough change to matter, it will be hugely
> frustrating for players forced to deal with incompetents and idiots.

There ARE players who enjoy the challenge of a huge army of trash

I don't know that PK is the right solution. I've never played it, I've
some criticism of it and I don't know that it'll give the effect that I 
want. But I'd be happy to take a look at it--at a minimum, it might
something else. 

Gzg-l mailing list

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