Re: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)
From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:32:35 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)
>This is completely hypothetical at this stage, but what would folks'
reactions be to the following ideas, at some point in the future when I
actually have time to write some new rules (ha!):
You mean, after they finish screaming "Finish <expurgated> FT3,
<deleted>! And <censored> FMAS! And <expunged> Bugs Don't Surf Because
They Died of Old Age, <snipped>!" , I take it?
>1) A squad to platoon level game with individual figures, more like
FMAS than SGII, for 25/28mm figs, typical force size 1 to 3 squads per
side, plus maybe a vehicle or two.
I think it'd have the "between command levels" problem again. One squad,
per FMAS, is fine. Two squads isn't a unit. Three squads plus a command
element is around 20-30 figures, which is probably too much.
>2) Another system (let's call it SG3 for the sake of argument), aimed
at Company-level games with 15mm figs (useable with 25mm, but with >15mm
as the "recommended" scale), with group-based figures (3-4 to a stand)
and platoon-level activation for both infantry and vehicles.
I think that would work very well. Actually, I think it *is* working
very well. Perhaps some of the SG enthusiasts would try a game or two
using Stuart's mods and tell us what you think?
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