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[GZG] re: Mercs and "Realism"

From: "Glenn M. Goffin" <gmgoffin@y...>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:57:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [GZG] re: Mercs and "Realism"

>From: "John Atkinson" <>

>The final category of is that much-loved by by authors both
>fictional and historical. Formed units which own their own 
>equipment and negotiate contracts with governments to which their 
>only attachment is financial.	These are exceedingly rare and 
>difficult to maintain on a long-term basis.  

Probably the best examples can be found in Renaissance-era Italy.

Another example is small, elite forces, such as those providing
personal and facility security in lawless situations like
contemporary Iraq (or New Orleans, where Blackwater mercenaries
served after Hurricane Katrina).

>These units would consist of the desperate and the sociopathic 
>only. Anyone who would kill their fellow human beings with only the
>motivation of financial reward falls into one of those categories.

1)  Surely killing and avoiding being killed are rewards enough. 
Most of those people would do it for free -- even pay for the chance.
 That's good, because it allows the colonels to pay their troops very
little, increasing the profit margin of the unit.

2)  Some mercenary units only take assignments against non-humans. 
Are they still psychopaths?  Probably.

>Stop worrying about "realism", and put together whatever
>organization is both effective and fun to use.



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