Re: [GZG] Is this thing on? [YES]
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 09:45:19 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Is this thing on? [YES]
John L. wrote on 09/07/2006 09:28:53 AM:
> WalMart has had periodic runs of 4"-5" Battlestars in the Star Wars
> "titanium" line for around $4-$7, depending on store.
> It's a pretty nice
> model, and IMHO, is in the DN neighborhood in size.
If this is the hang pack, I've a few, and love 'em inspite of less than
pleasure with the series. Likewise, have and will use the Republic Star
'Cruiser'. Walmart does seem to be the place to get these, though.
By the way, for those who are big fans of the new BG, trust me, I've
it before. I'm a decided minority of one in my gaming group. ;->=
However, the BG fig of which I'm speaking is maybe twice as long as the
hang pack one, and is in a open face box with a hard plastic bubble
of the flexible bubble pack-on-card. It's a honker, unless you have an
plastic kit. Both sizes are 'Titantium'.
Now, if you are regularly seeing the one-of-which-I-spoke for $4-$7US, I
can only say, *woof*.
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