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Re: OU and New Caledonia - was RE: [GZG] NSL Geopolitical Composition

From: Mark Sykes <tardis@b...>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 15:06:16 +1000
Subject: Re: OU and New Caledonia - was RE: [GZG] NSL Geopolitical Composition

At 7:55 PM +0200 23/8/06, Oerjan Ariander wrote:
>Zoe Brain wrote:
>>>It is easy to make small arms, so you could have a low tech army.
>>Yes, we make our own small-arms and ammunition. We learnt that 
>>lesson when Sweden refused to supply us ammo for the 84mm Karl 
>>Gustav anti-tank weapons we had, during the Vietnam War.
>Rumour has it that that particular ammo lot was instead sold to the 
>UK, who promptly re-sold it to a certain Commonwealth country in 
>need of it (without telling us about it, of course)... I can of 
>course neither confirm nor deny whether this rumour is true :-/

What ...rumour?

We heard nothing ...
Nous n'ecoutons rien

living near a Large military training establishment
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