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Re: [GZG] [LST] Mail list vs. Forums

From: "Roger Books" <roger.books@g...>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:46:28 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] [LST] Mail list vs. Forums

Gzg-l mailing list out of line,

Has anyone considered moving this to Yahoo or Google Groups?


  Can be e-mail or read on web pages.
  Automatic Archiving.
  Excellent searching, especially with Google.
  Easier for a new player to find.

Disadvantages, we would all need to switch.

I like lists.csua, but that's mostly because I have been involved with
on that server for many years.


On 7/10/06, Jaime Tiampo <> wrote:
> > By the way, I seem to be having trouble with my sign on to the
> > don't
> > think I got an email reply-to-confirm.
> I'm looking into that. It's an odd issue since the base program and
> signup has been tested in the past. It might be one of the many email
> bounces that I'm receiving in my inbox right now (you get that when
> run a lot of forums)
> As a reply to the Forum vs List debate.
> Yearts ago I was quite the active member on this list, and at one
point I
> was on SOOO many lists (almost 3 dozen) (by product of a volunteer
> position I took on) that I had to stop receiving this one just to cut
> the traffic. Now it was a big loos since I couldn't keep up with the
> community.
> What would have saved me was having all the major discussion lists I
> on as forums. Being someone who is considered an "old timer" when it
> to the Internet I still prefer forums for things like this list. It's
> more concise, easy to use, organised, searchable, and moderatable.
> more accessable for the new person to join and browse what has been
> discussed.
> The major drawback being that it needs critical mass to operate. Email
> lists can get by complete dry spells untill someone pops a mail out,
> forums needs to be active to survive. Once trafic drops below a
> the communitee stops going there.
> Now something I have noticed in my rejuvinated interest in GZG games
> that a lot of my old links, and those on pages that are still up run
> the community are dead. It's quite a loss since I used some of those
> quite a bit for reference. Like the FT Java shipbuilder app. Now I MAY
> have a backup copy I d/l somewhere at home but it's something I miss.
> The lists archives are also a pain to search through relative to a
> which means I'm missing out on some new rule/constuction ideas. In a
> you could even stiky the final versions of things like this.
> Now I'm just rambling a bit. Email lists are a valuable tool, but in
> the list is here to do a forum does much better, though it does need
> support of the core community to get going.
> Jaime
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> Gzg-l mailing list

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