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Re: [GZG] Revised Salvo Missiles Update

From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 10:06:51 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Revised Salvo Missiles Update

From: Robert N Bryett 
>Of course I too have  PSB ideas and personal feelings about what is
credible and  "realistic" in SF space battles, but I think house rules
or  "universe" rules are the place to express those

Perhaps the distinction is between a generic mechanism ("beam dice") and
a universe-specific name ("phasers" or "blasters" or...). If you agree
that missiles ought to home but don't, then you'll understand that we'd
like to see a generic mechanism for them, regardless of whether it
applies to Moties or Harringtonverse or what. (If someone thinks missile
homing is adequate the way it is, I'm going to assume that person
haven't used them much--sorry).

>pretty crushing, so some balancing feature needs to be present. 

Right. What I'd like is to replace the current lock-on roll with some
kind of ECM/ECCM roll, just enough to allow crew/equipment quality to
make a difference. Otherwise missiles are going to lock on to brand new
NAC EW cruisers just as easily as they do to 80 year old PAU tramp
freighters, which seems a bit unlikely.
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