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RE: [GZG] Fighter rules Questions...

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 12:24:28 -0500
Subject: RE: [GZG] Fighter rules Questions...

Nothing to be sorry about it, but I've not played in Dean's Crossovers.
Actually, looking at the Rebel designs, he may have multiple

You can check his site out, drill down to the fleet SSD sheets, and read
how he's got it, but I think he's pretty busy and may not be able to
for himself.
and then to the individual Crossover games for links to the images of
fleet sheets.

However, as Oerjan stated, the EMP rules for the ORC EMP use a really
different mechanic.

Good luck!


Scott wrote on 05/24/2006 12:04:21 PM:

> > From: Doug Evans <>
> > > >When a ship must take threshold checks due to EMP/Ion
> > > beam hits, are those threshold checks tied to the ship's
> > > current damage level?
> >
> > Star Ranger's Ion Cannons roll at 'the target ships next
> threshold level',
> > if this was considered for beta submissions. Do the beta
> versions hit
> > individual systems, and not, on each hit, roll against
> all systems? I think
> > that's the way Dean's work.
> OK, so if a ship is on it's second damage row and takes
> two Ion Cannon hits, it makes two checks for each affected
> system, system fails on a 1-2? (Or a 5-6 if you're using
> high-roll-fails.)  What about on it's last row? Fail on a
> 1-3, or a 1-4?!  Sorry to be anal; just making sure I've
> got it right.

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