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Re: [GZG] Need help, Colony population #'s

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@v...>
Date: Sat, 06 May 2006 07:42:45 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Need help, Colony population #'s

> I'm try to figure out populations for my non-canon power.. I know Beth
> some workable system for figuring "population" #.   But looking back
> the
> archives, I didn't find it.
> But if anyone else has a workable # system please share.

The (extrememly crude) method I used:

Make up whatever your immigration is going to be, accounting for "number
people per ship x number of ships" and how attractive your planet is. 
Alarish is a high-tech libertarian paradise, which makes up for the lack
air. Cibola is "just like home, but not crowded" if you're from certain 
parts of India or Africa. To get a plausible maximum, look at how many 
people were immigrating to the US during, say, the Potato Famine.
Picking a 
number entirely out of the air, let's say 40,000 per year.

Figure out what a maximum population growth rate will be, ie how many 
babies. This will be lower than you might expect--let's say 3% per year,

which is pretty high, as I recall.

So you have Year2Pop = Year1Pop * 1.03 + 40,000, and cycle that for as
years as you wish.

I also flexed both the immigration and the birth rate, eg immigration
up whenever there was a war from which I might get refugees. 

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