Re: [GZG] [FT] NAC campaign setup
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 11:01:24 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [FT] NAC campaign setup
Noam wrote on 04/14/2006 10:49:44 AM:
> One thing to consider is just how those systems are
> occupied. If the
> average ESU world has 2-3 billion people on it, and the average OU
> world has a couple domes with a couple tens of thousand residents
> each, then the size of the power and the size of the
> territory aren't
> really comparable.
*ahem* I've been working on that note since early this morning!
Ok, started it, then put-to-draft until I cleared some work out of the
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