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Re: [GZG] FT but off the wall and a little OT]

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:42:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] FT but off the wall and a little OT]

Mike wrote on 04/11/2006 12:18:34 PM:

> Let's face it, an empire that...

has space fighters that can be taken out with hand-operated weapons, and
fighter-in-the-flying-bridge making a major warship crash into another,
makes any comparison pretty silly.

I didn't say that the numbers said one thing or another; I said the
discussion was silly. I play with toy spaceships on a flat plane; I'm
saying it's not my kind of silliness. I use PSB to justify limitations
rules; every time somebody takes the PSB serious, and argues counter
examples, my eyes roll up into my head.

It's not pretty? Ok, that's enough to quash it. It doesn't make sense?

On the other hand, Brin is a bu**head.

And I still say the only way to have our kind of space battles is to
immediate objectives too important not to accept a fair fight.

I'll hush up now, as that's more than enough to keep the list going and
avoid 'ping' posts.


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