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RE: [GZG] RE: Space minefields

From: Hugh Fisher <laranzu@o...>
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:23:13 +1100
Subject: RE: [GZG] RE: Space minefields

>>  Stealth would be a good reason though. Were you
>>  thinking of just activation, or some kind of emergent
>>  behaviour?
>Both, but Oerjan always canes me over the emergent behaviour stuff 
>as he says that would require too much communication (which wood 
>give the field away).

If it's a deterrent minefield, you want it to be visible
or marked in some way so that your friends don't sail
into it by mistake. So the communications chatter would
be OK.

If it's an ambush minefield placed in hostile territory,
hmmm... Suppose the passive sensors can pick up the comm
signal at three times the useful communication range. If
that passive sensor range is still less than the effective
attack range of the mines, it won't matter.

So if you have mines with a beam-2 for attack range of
24 MU, they should be spaced 8 MU apart. You probably
want them more closely packed anyway for multiple shots
at a single target.

I was going to suggest tight beam lasers for comms links,
but if a stealthy mine drifts out of position, how would
the others find it again to aim the laser? :-(

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