Re: [GZG] Timescales
From: Oerjan Ariander <oerjan.ariander@t...>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 17:44:24 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] Timescales
Allan Goodall wrote:
> >I agree that the 5-minute turn doesn't make sense either from a
> >rate or a rate of fire point of view, but it is what the rules
> >claim.
>Yes, but Oerjan you left out the part that was relevant to what Tom
>was saying. First of all, in the quoted text you left out a bit:
>"If it is necessary to determine how long a battle has lasted in game
>terms (eg. it is part of a campaign)..."
I left out the "(eg. it is part of a campaign)...", because campaigns
only one example of situations where you might need to know how long the
battle lasted; but I did quote the "If it is necessary... game terms"
>And, quoting the SG2 rulebook, page 5, "Timescale":
>"Although a game turn might contain only a few sections of actual
>combat, the full turn may safely be assumed to occupy one or even
>several minutes of elapsed time."
Yes, but note that this "one or even several minutes" discussion comes
*before* the "If it is necessary ..." bit. The SG2 timescale section
discusses the SG2 game turn as being nebulous, but this discussion lands
with a statement that the turn should - in those cases where it is
important to know the "real-world" time elapsed - be treated as
"approximately 5 minutes".
>Oh, and don't expect Tom to reply, as he has dropped off this list and
>the playtest list, or is at least planning to.
Ouch. Was it I that drove him away, or were there other reasons? :-(
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What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
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